Friday, March 28, 2008

Avarice; our greatest sin

If you shake your head and think " less is more" is just a cop out. Well I suspect your a yuppie or worst a yuppie want a be. It is your sad ideology or selfishism and greed which are destroying the world and human cultures. We cannot support "bigger is better", the future can not hold this childishness up. You must view your waste as robbing the future of its resources. In a similar light as the compound interest factor in your rrsp, the more you waste today the greater the cost will be tomorrow. But who fucking cares, right. Let's not repeat the ignorant pattern of our parents generation. The "me" generation was a failure, they wasted and squandered our future. That's why electricity and fossil fuel is so expensive. It's their shares in big corporations which are inflating the stock market, cutting jobs (for profit orientation). They have geared the corporate world to a short sighted, self centered ideology. You may even feel that I am naive for even saying this. But is a strong, efficient, profit orientated corporation or business not going to have longterm, future based plan. To be strong and wealthy, these companies need to see that the future is all they have, and providing longterm employment will create a society which can afford to perpetuate this capitalist ideology. But everybody is behaving as rats jumping off a burning boat. Thing is they started the fire, and could slow things down and put it out. Problem: greed. The piggies are devouring their own piglets.

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